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  • Legal

Про роботу

We are looking for a talented and hard-working colleague to join our team in the position of In-house legal counsel on privacy matters.

Minimum Skills and Experience:

· Law degree from a reputable Ukrainian university;

· Exceptional writing and editing skills in English, Russian and Ukrainian;

· 2 + years of professional experience in IT, International and/or Privacy law;

· Solid knowledge of EU Regulation 2016/679 ('GDPR') and other privacy laws;

· Experience in drafting and amending the Terms and Conditions, Privacy Policies and similar documents;

· Knowledge of the functioning of the IT industry and the Internet: it is required from a candidate to know answers to the questions like 'What is an IP address?', 'What are cookies?', 'What is a VPN?'.

Additional Preferred Skills and Experience:

· Knowledge of EU Anti-Money Laundering laws and regulations;

· Experience in passing due diligence and audits;

· Experience in drafting and reviewing of commercial contracts under English or EU law;

· Experience in working with digital distribution services like Google Play, Apple's App Store, Steam etc. and knowledge on the functioning (including 'legal' and 'terms' aspect) of social media like Reddit, Facebook, LinkedIn etc.;

· Certificates on Personal Data Protection.

Key Responsibilities:

· Drafting and amending Terms of Service/Terms and Conditions and Privacy Policies for the Company's products, websites etc.;

· Drafting and reviewing privacy agreements and contracts: Joint Controllership Agreements, Data Processing Agreements, Database sale agreement, Standard Contractual Clauses;

· Performing other tasks in the framework of the Company's Privacy Programme: data protection impact assessment, drafting and reviewing the record of processing activities under Article 30 of the GDPR, communication with supervisory authorities, preparing answers to data subjects, etc.;

· Drafting and reviewing the terms of commercial contracts which relate to privacy matters;

· Dealing with problems which may arise during submission of the Company's products to digital distribution services like Google Play and App Store;

· Performing other tasks from the Head of Privacy under request.


· prospect in self-improvement and professional growth;

· possibility to obtain experience with challenging high-profile projects;

· opportunity to build a successful career within a dynamic and advanced IT company;

· one of the highest salaries on the market and friendly working environment.

Відгуки про роботу в EvoPlay 3

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